Saturday, January 30, 2010

happiness is...

There are days when life is just so overwhelming, when the craziness of the days set it, when things happen and that leave you...speechless. Life is so full of heartache and disappointment- when you find that the one thing you believed in and trusted to be true, is in fact not that at all. In my life, people have, time after time let me down, proven to be nothing like they said they were, they spoke of change and newness and circumstances proved them wrong... Life has left me skeptical of people- that they cannot be honest, loyal, trustworthy...true.

happiness is...having a home in you...The day I met my husband, who is my knight in SHIMMERING armor. He proved all others wrong, he showed me just how nobel one could really be. The one person, who despite all of my flaws finds me absolutely best and truest confidant, the one who is everything- and for me, thats exactly how its supposed to be. God, I love you...I love you like mad. - thanks for proving me wrong...(at least about you!)

happiness is...november 16th, 2008. The day the most amazing person was born, my beautiful son, my prince. Life changed in that moment and it will never be the same, when he looked at me for the first time, when i held him in my longing arms... I changed in that moment, and I would not be the person I am today if it werent for him. When I look at him my heart sets sail- his smile, his laughter is so contagious, the way his eyes are full of wonder and hope, shows me that all things are made new and that life is more than beautiful its breath-taking. I am in awe of him, of his wild-heart, of his pure love and trust-worthiness of the world around him. "castles they might crumble, dreams may not come true, but you are never all alone- because I will always, always love you..." You are my dream come true, kid and words cant tell you the love that envelopes my entire being...all for you!

happiness is...waking up everyday and knowing that my life is FULL of happiness.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

a few of my favorite things.

. My house is filled with photography and pottery, my two most favorite forms of decorations. Photography of course is my passion and displaying it throughout my home is the absolute best, thus, I am thankful for my home and wall space.

. Pottery is another favorite form of art, especially face jugs- the abstract form is compelling, tells a story full of emotion.

. Fresh flowers are so beautiful and such a wonderful pick me upper...They are bright and lively and show love and caring, especially when bought by my two most favorite men, which brings me to my next favorite thing...

. My boys- they make my life so GRAND, so spectacular and so beautiful. They are my lifes greatest accomplishment. My love for them consumes my world, I live to love them. We are making memories that will last my lifetime.

. Perfume- I love to smell good- it makes me feel all girly and pretty. I will spray it on, just to go to bed....

these are a few of my favorite things!

Sunday, January 10, 2010