Friday, August 7, 2009

The Giving.

There are moments in life that take my breath away, that have left me speechless and amazed... The day my husband proposed, the day I got married, the day that I took seven home pregnancy tests and everyone of them was postive, the first time I felt my baby move inside of me, the day that my baby was born and I heard the most beautiful sound in the world, the cry of life and every moment that has been since then. When you have a child everything that used to be ceases and at that very moment the world is theirs. They change us and make us into a better person, it is our job from that day forward to give them everything- because they have given us just that. The chance to undo what our fathers before us have done, to change history to better mold their future. Nothing in this world makes me more happy than to give to my son- to know that I am changing the future when I teach him the characteristics that will take him from being a boy to an amazing man. All the giving that we do while they are young, all the sleepless nights, the smiles, the tears we shed over choices that they make or things they say will one day be a shrine, a symbol, a monument dedicated to us- they hold all that we are, from the moment we hold them. and so...I am happy.

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